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Korea Time Now

Time Difference Between South Korea and New York

Current Time in South Korea

The current time in South Korea (Seoul) is 12:03 PM Korea Standard Time (KST) on January 1, 1970.

Time Zone Information

South Korea observes Korea Standard Time (KST), which is 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). There is no daylight saving time in South Korea.

Time Difference with New York

When New York is on standard time (Eastern Standard Time or EST), the time in South Korea is 14 hours ahead. When New York is on daylight saving time (Eastern Daylight Time or EDT), the time in South Korea is 13 hours ahead.

Additional Information

  • The time difference between South Korea and New York is the same all year round due to the lack of daylight saving time in South Korea.
  • To convert a time from New York to Seoul, add 14 hours when New York is on EST and add 13 hours when New York is on EDT.
  • To convert a time from Seoul to New York, subtract 14 hours when New York is on EST and subtract 13 hours when New York is on EDT.
